The Witr Prayer
Question :

Is it permissible to offer the prayer of Witr in the sitting manner?

Answer :

The obligatory prayers must be offered while standing with the ability and freedom of choice, and it is not obligatory to offer them while standing with a justifiable excuse. Recommended prayers like the Witr prayer can be offered in sitting position, however it is recommended to offer it in two rak'as then.

Rubbing the Hands
Question :

Is it allowed to rub one's hands on one's face after Qunoot in obligatory prayers?

Answer :

Yes, it is permissible, but it was reported in texts narrated by the Ahlul-bait (peace be upon them) that it is not recommended.

Steadiness in Bowing
Question :

I understand that it is a condition of prayer that the body should be steady before reciting Dhikr in the bowing, and scholars have emphasized this point saying that prayer is void without this. What exactly is meant by steadiness?

Answer :

There is nothing more required than being steady in the conventional and natural sense.

Reciting One Verse
Question :

Can I recite one verse or a few verses of the Quran after Al-Fatiha in the prayers?

Answer :

One must recite one full chapter after Al-Fatiha in obligatory prayers. Reciting one verse or a few verses is not sufficient. It is sufficient to do so in recommended prayers.

Reciting Two Surahs
Question :

Is it permissible for me to recite two Surahs after Surah al Fatiha?

Answer :

Based on an obligatory precaution, one should only recite one Surah after Surah al-Fatiha. But one can recite a further Surah if it is not intended to be a part of the prayers, but just as additional recitation of the Holy Quran.

Diffrences in Rulings
Question :

I am a Muslim Shia. I am planning on marrying a Muslim girl who became a Shia recently. She is willing to learn more about our rulings of prayers. Can you explain to me?

Answer :

The detailed rulings on the prayer is mentioned in the books of religious rulings and edicts. We can point out some differences to consider, like the following:
a) Reciting the ‘Bismillah…’ in the chapter of al-Fatiha.
b) Reciting one full chapter after the chapter of Fatiha, including ‘Bismillah…’
c) Prostrating on earth or what grows on it, provided that it is not consumed for food , or worn as clothing.
d) Wiping the feet in wudhu, instead of washing them.
e) Wiping the head and feed with the wetness of the wudhu from washing the arms.
f) In performing obligatory Ghusl, it is a condition to start with the head.

Reciting Second Sura
Question :

When reciting a surah after Surah al-Fatiha in the first two Raka’at, do the Surahs have to be in ascending order or in any order? Could I read Surah al-Ikhlas in the first rak’a and Surah al-Kawthar in the second, or vice-versa?

Answer :

Yes, it is permissible, and there is no obligatory order.

Dhikr in Bowing and Prostration
Question :

Is any dhikr permissible in bowing and prostration?

Answer :

It is sufficient in the bowing position to recite "Subhana Rabbiyal-Adheem wa bi-Hamdih", or "Subhanallah" three times. It is also sufficient to recite any sort of "dhikr" that consists of praising Allah, like "Alhamdulillah" thrice, reciting Takbir thrice or reciting "La Ilaha Illallah" thrice, provided that the said is equivalent to "Subhanallah" three times. The same applies to prostration except that "Subhana Rabbiyal-Aala wa bi-Hamdih" is to be recited instead of "Subhana Rabbiyal-Adheem wa bi-Hamdih". But, it is not sufficient to recite, "Subhana Rabbiyal-Aala wa bi-Hamdih" in bowing, nor is it sufficient to recite, "Subhana Rabbiyal-Adheem wa bi-Hamdih" in prostration.

Reciting the Names of the Infallibles
Question :

Is it permissible to recite the names of the infallibles (peace be upon them) just after the prayers?

Answer :

Yes, it is recommended to offer the Salam on every one of them (peace be upon them) after the prayers.

Question :

Which takbeers are obligatory and which are recommended in prayers?

Answer :

The obligatory takbeer is only the takbeerat'ul-ihtam. The rest of the takbeers are recommended and not obligatory.

The Elbow on the Ground
Question :

While doing the prostration in a prayer, is it prohibited or disliked (makrooh) to touch the elbow on the ground?

Answer :

It is permissible and not disliked.

Any Supplication in Qunoot
Question :

Is it allowed to recite any dua in the Arabic language when one is performing an obligatory prayer?

Answer :

Yes, it is permissible, and it is permissible to do so in any language.

The Big Toes During Prostration
Question :

In prostration, is it obligatory that only the big toes should be on the ground, not the smaller ones, so we should lift up the smaller toes?

Answer :

It is sufficient that the tip of the big toe is placed on the ground in prostration.

Surah Feel and Quraysh
Question :

Can you explain the meaning of this hadith in which the Imam (peace be upon him) said that Surah al-Feel and Surah Quraysh is one Surah?

Answer :

You should consider the two mentioned chapters as one during the recitation of the prayers. If one recites Surah al-Feel, he should recite Surah Quraysh after it, including the Bismillah.

Prayer with the Hands Closed
Question :

If a woman considers that offering prayers with hands closed on the breast is obligatory or recommended, then is her prayer valid?

Answer :

If the woman did this while not being aware of its being wrong, then this does not affect the validity of her prayers. If she was aware that it is not legislated and insisted on doing this then the prayer is invalid.

Verse of Prostration
Question :

If a woman in her menstrual period hears the verse with the obligatory prostration, is she obligated to perform the prostration? Is it possible to do so without a hijab, and on a carpet?

Answer :

Yes, it is obligatory on her to prostrate when hearing the verse of prostration. It is permissible without hijab, and based on an obligatory precaution it should be on natural earth like soil, stones, rocks and similar materials, or on what grows on earth provided that it is not consumed for food or worn as clothing.

Question :

Is the adhan recited before Asr and Isha prayers?

Answer :

The adhan is recommended in the daily prayers. However, if the Asr or Isha prayer is performed immediately after Dhuhr or Maghrib prayers, the Adhan is not legislated, so the iqamah alone can be recited.

Not Being Able to Bend During Prostration
Question :

How can one offer the prayer if it is not possible for one to bend down in prostration?

Answer :

If prostration cannot be done as stipulated, based on compulsory precaution one can bend as much as possible and place the forehead on what is permissible to prostrate upon.

Prayer of a Pregnant
Question :

I am pregnant and I have some weeks to give birth. Am I excused from prayer as I just feel so lazy and tired most of the time and I do not have the energy to pray?

Answer :

It is obligatory on you to perform the prayer in a way that does not cause you harm and hardship, even if it is performed while sitting.

What Breaks the Prayer
Question :

What breaks the prayer?

Answer :

The following things invalidate the prayers:
A. Urinating and releasing wind or feces.
B. Turning the body fully away from the direction of the Ka'aba.
C. Any act that disturbs the prayers in the view of religious people, like eating or drinking.
D. Deliberate talking.
E. Deliberate laughing.
F. Putting one's hand on top of the other over the chest or stomach, if this is done so with the intention that it is part of the prayer.
G. Deliberately saying the word "Aameen" after finishing recitation of Surah al-Fatiha.
The said actions are proven by religious evidences to nullify the prayer, and we should submit to them even if we did not know the wisdom behind them.