Day Questions

Is it permissible to marry in the month of Safar?

It is better to refrain from celebrations until after the day of Arbaeen (20th of Safar).

I want to become a religious scholar and acquire religious education, but my parents are not happy and want me to continue secular education. Is it obligatory on me to obey my parents in this situation?

It is not obligatory to obey the parents. What is obligatory is to be dutiful to them and to have a good relationship with them. Nevertheless, we advise you to convince them and take their permission as much as is possible as this is one of the means of receiving divine blessings.

Is Ilm Raml and Ilm Hisab permissible in the school of the Ahlulbait (peace be upon them)?

Learning and teaching such knowledge is not prohibited, but believing in its result and implementing them is prohibited.