Day Questions

If I prostrate in prayers and the turbah happens to be slightly to the left or the right of the middle of my forehead, is my prostration valid? Or does it have to be exactly in the middle?

In prostration, the exact middle of the forehead does not have to be on the turbah; it is sufficient that the turbah is placed slightly towards the right or the left.

Does vomiting break your fast?

If it was not deliberate, then it does not invalidate the fast.

Is Dua al-Tawassul recommended to read, and who first taught it?

We cannot confirm that an Imam has recited this supplication. Yes, it has been reported in some books that the said supplication is narrated from one of the Imams (peace be upon them). Supplicating to Almighty Allah through the Prophet or the Imams (peace be upon them) is amongst the recommended deeds, whether we use this particular supplication or another Dua.

What should those girls do whose parents forbid them to wear the hijab?

It is obligatory on the woman to wear hijab regardless of the position of the parents. It is prohibited to obey them in this case.