Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Al-Hakeem receives a Sufi group from the UK

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Al-Hakeem receives a Sufi group from the UK

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammed Saeed Al-Hakeem received a Sufi group from the UK on Thursday, 2nd January 2020. He advised that the Muslims in all nations across the world to increase the dialogue, cooperation and affection amongst each other. He emphasized the importance of unity, through entrenching the commonalities and strengthening them.

His Eminence narrated to his guests the narration of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny): “Compassion has not been placed in something, but that it adorns it; and foolishness has not been placed in anything, but that it causes it disgrace.”

His Eminence called all Muslims to act upon the straight path shown by the Holy Quran and the teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), with beautiful ethics, taking the Prophet as an example in how he was able to establish his personality amongst the polytheists, with his beautiful etiquettes and ethics.

Day Questions

I am a non-Sayyid. Can I wear a black turban to show that Sayyids and non-Sayyids are equal?

Wearing the black turban has become an indication of one's lineage to the Prophet (peace be upon him and him holy progeny); wearing it by non-Sayyids is not permissible if it makes other people think that those who wear the black turbans are Sayyids.

If the husband divorces his wife on speaker-phone while witnesses are present on the wife's side, is the divorce valid? If he divorces her on a text message and then shows the message to witnesses, is it valid? Or is it necessary for the witnesses to be present with the husband at the same time while he pronounces the divorce?

In the said cases, the husband can appoint an agent (wakil) of his by telephone or writing, and this agent can pronounce the divorce on his behalf in the presence of two adil witnesses, ensuring that the other conditions of divorce are satisfied.

If one breaks his fast in the month of Ramadan by masturbation, is he expected to make the fast up, pay the Kaffara and fast 60 days?

He should make up the fast of the day that he missed, and pay the Kaffara of feeding sixty needy people and fasting two consecutive months and freeing a slave. Since the last one is not possible nowadays, the Kaffara consists of the first two.