Day Questions

Many Muslims offer the “Taraweeh” prayer in Ramadan. What is the religious position of such prayer?

This prayer was not offered by the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) and was invented after his death. It is not legislated by the Sharia.

Regarding khums, suppose I purchase a box of 100 pens from a store. But I only use 20 of those pens in one year. Is there khums due on the remaining 80 pens? Or are they all considered to be "used" as soon as I open the original box from the store? I have a similar question about a notebook. Suppose I buy a notebook with 100 pages and only use 20 of those pages. Is there khums due on the unused paper in that notebook (80 pages) after one year from its purchase? Or is khums no longer due the moment I wrote in one page of the notebook?

If what you need can only be obtained in a larger quantity, then khums is not applicable on what remains from that. For example, if you need a notebook of 20 pages, but you could not find a 20-page notebook, and the closest to it is a 100-page notebook, then the unused part of the notebook will not be subject to khums. Similarly, if you need 20 pens, and you can purchase 20 pens without needing to buy 100 pens, then the unused pens will be subject to khums.

When one starts washing or wiping a part and the previous parts have dried what happens?

If all the past wiped parts were dry because of a delay in the Wudhu process or being busy in other things, then the Wudhu is void. The Wudhu is not void if they were dry for another reason or if not all of them were dry.

Can we offer the daily nawafil (supererogatory) prayers in congregation?

Offering the daily supererogatory prayers in congregation is not legislated in the Sharia.