Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammed Saeed al-Hakeem Praises the Sacrifices of the Female Freed Prisoners of the Shia Turkmen and Shabak, and Recommends Everyone to be Proud of them, honor them and Sympathize with them

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammed Saeed al-Hakeem Praises the Sacrifices of the Female Freed Prisoners of the Shia Turkmen and Shabak, and Recommends Everyone to be Proud of them, honor them and Sympathize with them

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammed Saeed al-Hakeem praised the sacrifices of the oppressed female freed prisoners of the Shiite Turkmen and Shabak, who were subjected to a great injustice, by the Dash criminals, who invaded the sanctities, sacred places and souls. His Eminence recommended all, especially believers, tribal chiefs and others to be proud of them and respected them, and honored them.

This took place during the reception of His Eminence to the female prisoners of the Shia Turkmen and Shabak, Tuesday, the 16th of July, 2019 who were freed from the hands of Dash criminal gangs.

His eminence, advised them to at the highest level of psychological comfort and since the oppressed should not consider injustice to be a disgrace to him. His eminence was pointing to the words of Imam Ali (peace be upon him): “a believer is not belittled when being oppressed.

At the end of the reception, His eminence asked the Almighty Allah to avenge them from their oppressors, and to compensate them with the best awards in this world and the hereafter.

Day Questions

As Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) was hidden by God’s wish at the age of 5, what will be his age at when he reappears again?

It was narrated from the Imams (peace be upon them) that when he reappears again he would look like forty years old. Nobody knows saves Almighty Allah his original age after the reappearance.

If a najasah comes into contact with under-kurr water, will it become najis even if the amount of najasah, is very little, like a drop of urine?

If the water is less than kurr, it becomes najis when it simply comes into contact with the najasah, even if the najasah is very little that it does not cause any changes to the water.

Many people around the world believe in reincarnation. What is the view of Islam on reincarnation?

There is no doubt that reincarnation is an invalid concept. The entity of the human being does not change after death. Almighty Allah resurrects him after his death in his original form and identity and he will be judged for his actions. Allah almighty said: "And whoso doeth good an atom's weight will see it then, And whoso doeth ill an atom's weight will see it then." (Quran 99:7-8)