- Emulation - Taqleed 65
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- Mourning Imam Hussein 34
- Mourning 7
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- Religious Propagation 9
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- Supplication-Dua 22
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- Tran Sexuality 4
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- Wilayet Alfaqih 3
- Work 31
- Yoga 1
- Ziyara 15
What is meant by the term "Adalah"?
Adalah – as a condition in the imam of the congregational prayer and in the witness – is a level of fearing Almighty Allah that leads to avoiding the committing of major sins. Committing small sins without insistence does not affect it.
Adalah – as a condition in the marja – is a high level of God-fearing which leads the person to refraining from disobeying the religious laws and committing sins – whether the sins are small or major. If on the rare occasion he commits a sin, he would rush to repent to Almighty Allah and seek his forgiveness.
A person who holds 'adālah is called "adil".
If the imam of the congregational prayers is in the third or fourth Raka'ah and decided to recite Suratul-Fatihah, do we have to follow him in reciting Suratul-Fatihah, or can we choose to recite Tasbihaat?
It is permissible to recite Tasbihaat three times or recite the Al-Fatihah. If the latter is chosen, the Bismillah should be recited silently during the mentioned rak'as.
If one joins the congregation of Maghrib prayer late, so that he needs to recite Sura al-Fatiha and another Sura while the Imam recites the four tasbihaat, is the follower supposed to recite the Suras in a usual audible voice or in a low whisper in such a case?
If one joins the congregational prayer in the third or fourth rak'a and the Imam was reciting the Tasbihat, he should recite the Fatiha and the other Sura in a low whisper.
What prayers can one offer in congregation?
It is permissible to offer the five daily prayers, including the Friday prayers, in congregation as well as the prayer of Signs (Ayat), prayer on the deceased, Eid prayers and the prayer of Istisqa (for the seeking of rain).
How can one determine if the person leading the congregational prayers is Adil? How do you define Adalah?
It can be determined by one of the following:
1. Knowledge and certainty that originates from dealing with him or from other ways of reaching such knowledge.
2. Testimony of two Adil witnesses.
3. Good apparent behavior.
Adalah is defined as not committing the big sins, and when committed the individual repents, and not repeatedly committing small sins.
During congregational prayers, if I am to continue prayers while the imam is reciting the tashahhud and tasleem of the last rak'a (unit), I put my hands on the floor, raise my knees and wait for the imam, but do I have to wait until he finishes the tasleem, or can I stand up when he starts the tasleem?
It is better to wait for the imam of the congregational prayer to end his prayer, but one may leave the congregation and continue his prayer alone before that.
If I go to a mosque or a shrine of an Imam and find a scholar whom I do not know leading prayers in front of a very large group of people, none of whom I know, is it permissible for me to pray with them in congregation? Or is it necessary for me to first get to know the scholar, spend time with him and so on to ascertain that he is adil?
The Adalah of the imam must be considered before one offers congregational prayer. It can be determined by knowledge and certainty that originates from dealing with him or from other ways of reaching such knowledge, testimony of two Adil witnesses and by good apparent behavior. Having a big crowd that offer the prayer behind a person is not sufficient.
At what point can I consider one adil, so to accept him as a witness or in leading the congregational prayers? Is there a certain amount of time I must spend with him, or is it sufficient to spend a short amount of time but to feel generally sure of his adalah?
There is no specific time for this, but it depends on socializing for a usual period that is sufficient for the manifestation of goodness from him and the absence of ill deeds.
Can I follow a prayer imam if I do not know whether he is Adil?
The prayer behind a person whose Adalah is not established is void.
If I arrive at a place and find someone I do not know leading prayer, but up until that point I have not seen him perform sin, is it permissible for me to pray behind him?
The prayer behind him is invalid unless the conditions of the Imam of the congregational prayers are met. Presenting himself to lead the congregational prayer by itself is not sufficient.
A person is an open or an exposed liar. The person has lied to me and also to the public in general. Is it permissible for us to pray behind him in congregational prayers?
Your prayer behind such a person is invalid.
Is it permissible to pray behind one who doubts the authenticity of Ziyarat Ashura?
Adalah is a condition in the Imam of the congregational prayer, which is observing the religious laws and its boundaries. One of the main boundaries of the religion is precision in the religious aspects and not rushing into judging them.
Someone leads the congregational prayer in our community. There are many rumors and presumptions about him not observing the Sharia. Can we follow him?
The prayers behind such a person is not valid. If you doubt the Adalah of a person, the prayers behind him is invalid.
If I join the congregational prayer in the 2nd rak'a and the Imam does Qunoot, may I do Qunoot with him?
Yes, it is permissible.
I want to ask that as a Shia am I allowed to offer prayer behind those who does not believe in the imamate of the Ahlulbait?
It is permissible to do so if such prayers cause closeness between the hearts. It is not permissible if this was for the sake of adulation. However, one should recite himself in the first two rak'as.
If one is praying behind a Sunni imam in congregation, and the imam recites one of the Quranic verses that makes prostration obligatory and the rest of the congregation goes into prostration, what is one supposed to do?
It is permissible to offer the prayers behind a Sunni imam if such prayers cause closeness between the hearts. It is not permissible to do so if this was for the sake of adulation. However, one should recite himself in the first two Raka'at (units).
If he hears the verse of prostration with them and they prostrate he can do so as well and his prayer will be in order.
If one is praying behind a Sunni imam for unity, and one recites the Surahs in the first two Rak'as, will he have the intention of praying in congregation or praying on an individual basis (furada)?
His intention will not be offering congregational prayers.
If I see a pious brother almost rarely fall into a sin, excepting the odd occasion of backbiting, is it still permissible for me to pray behind him? If not, when can I consider him as having repented and pray behind him?
If the Adil believer has committed a sin and it is known that he did it because of disobedience, then the prayer behind him is invalid, unless it is know that he repented to Almighty Allah from such a sin or he repented from committing all sins.
If it is probable that the believer had a religious excuse when he committed what appeared to be a sin, then his Adalah remains, for instance, when he backbites against a person and it is probable that the latter oppressed the believer or was openly committing that sin and similar reasons that justify such backbiting.
If one knows without a doubt that he himself is a sinner, but people do not know this and consider him pious and ask him to lead prayers, is it permissible for him to do so and will their prayers be accepted?
It is not permissible for him to present himself to lead the congregational prayer if he knows that he does not fulfil the requirements of the Imam of the prayer, in such a way he would be considered as cheating them.
If they asked him to lead the prayer, it is permissible to do so, although it is better not to in this particular case as well.
If he was praying alone and someone decided to pray behind him in congregation, then his prayer is in order and he has not committed a sin. If he was not qualified to lead the prayer, he should not apply the laws of the congregational prayer on him, for example, referring to the people praying behind him when he has doubts.
If one does not consider himself Adil and knows that he commits sins that only he and Almighty Allah know about, without falling into sin publicly, and people do not know he sins and consider him Adil, is it permissible for him to lead prayers?
It is permissible for the person to lead the prayer after repenting to Almighty Allah and seeking His forgiveness.