The Press Release on the Terrorist Attacks against the Shia in Egypt

The Press Release on the Terrorist Attacks against the Shia in Egypt

We strongly condemn the terrorist attacks that lead to the martyrdom and wounding of tens of innocent lovers of the Ahlul-Bait (peace be upon them) in Egypt and the dragging of deceased bodies along the ground that took place afterwards.

As we ask the Almighty Allah to send His mercy on the souls of the martyrs and to grant the wounded fast recovery, we call the government and the judiciary of Egypt to take the responsibility in bringing the perpetrators and those who motivated them with incitement verdicts to justice. In addition, we call the Egyptian government to take the necessary steps in preventing the recurrence of similar events.

We pray to the Almighty Lord to bless the efforts of Al-Azhar in promoting a culture of moderation and rejecting extremism and hatred, which distort the image of Muslims and rupture the unity of the peaceful Egyptian nation.

"There is no power save from Allah, the All-high, the All-Great"

The Office of the Religious Authority, Sayyid Mohammed Saeed Al-Hakeem

Day Questions

Is there a difference between an obligation that is a fareedha and one that is wajib?

From some narrations reported from the Imams (peace be upon them), we can understand that they used the term “fareedha” to refer to the obligations mentioned by Almighty Allah in the Holy Book, and the term "wajib" refers to all obligations, whether they are established in the Quran or from the teachings of the Prophet and the Imams (peace be upon them).

If one wakes up in a state of Janabah between Fajr and sunrise, but does not think he will have enough time to perform ghusl and pray due to there only being a relatively short time until sunrise, what is he expected to do?

If he expects, although he may not be sure, to have sufficient time to offer the prayer completely in addition to performing the ghusl before it before sunrise, then he should do the ghusl and perform the prayer.If he anticipates that he has sufficient time to offer part of the prayer only before dawn after performing ghusl, then as an obligatory precaution he should perform the ghusl and offer the prayer even if some of it is after sunrise.If he realizes that he will not be able to offer any part of the prayer before sunrise, then it is better to perform the Tayammum and the prayer before sunrise, and then perform the Ghusl and repeat the prayer after sunrise.