The Press Release on the Terrorist Attack against Tuz Khormato - Iraq

The Press Release on the Terrorist Attack against Tuz Khormato - Iraq

The terrorist attacks against the innocent followers of the Ahlul-Bait (peace be upon them) have increased recently in tens of bombings of civilian gatherings in a number of governates in Iraq. These terrorist acts include targeting the followers of the Ahlul-Bait (peace be upon them) in the city of Tuz khormato, attacking worshippers in Mosques, youths in the stadiums, visitors of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) in their way back and many others. This confirms that these attacks are part of regional plot that will have dangerous consequences on the security of the regional and of the world.

As we ask Almighty Allah to send His mercy on the souls of the martyrs and to grant the wounded fast recovery. We strongly condemn these savage attacks and emphasize on the following:
Firstly: It is necessary for the Iraqi government and judiciary system to take the responsibility in bringing the perpetrators to justice and in protecting civilian citizens especially the followers of the Ahlul-Bait (peace be upon them) as they are the primary target of terrorism.
We also emphasize on the importance of allowing the people of the targetted areas like Tuz Khormato and Tal Afar to protect their own cities.
Secondly: We call the international community; especially the international organizations to classify such crimes as crimes against humanity, since they are genocides that resulted from hate culture and shedding human blood on religious bases which are violations of the international laws and ethics.

"There is no power save from Allah, the All-High, the All-Great"

The Office of the Religious Authority, Sayyid Mohammed Saeed Al-Hakeem

Day Questions

I want to recite the contract formula for the temporary marriage via the telephone. Is it necessary to pay the dower to the wife at that time or can it be given later?

The wife deserves the dower as agreed. If the agreement was that it is to be paid at the time of the contract, then it must be given then and when the wife asks for it. If they agree on delaying the payment, then it is permissible to delay it.

If the woman is divorced and no sexual intercourse took place during last three months, then is it necessary for her to observe iddah?

If the marriage is consummated i.e. intercourse took place even once, then she must observe the iddah.

There is a national lottery held in our country, run by a company. Tickets are sold for a very low price, and the winners receive prizes. The company also gives some of their income in the sale of the tickets to certain charitable projects. Is a Muslim permitted to purchase such a ticket with the intention of winning the prize, and if he intends to give a part of the prize to an Islamic charity project?

Apparently the said transaction is permissible, and it is not considered to be prohibited gambling. The deal here is merely selling a ticket for a low price with the condition that if the chosen numbers match the company's randomly selected numbers the participant wins the prize. One becomes deserving of the prize due to fulfilling a condition included in the sale deal, so it is permissible to claim the prize. It is not obligatory to spend the money in the way intended, although it is better to do so.

If I have done a temporary marriage contract with a man who is in different country, if we were to end the contract, how do we go on about that?

He can forgo the remaining time of the contract, and he can also assign the wife as his agent in forgoing the rest of the duration of the marriage.