Press Release on the American Administration’s Decision to Move the US Embassy to Jerusalem

Press Release on the American Administration’s Decision to Move the US Embassy to Jerusalem

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praise is to God, the Lord of the worlds; and may God send his blessings on our master Mohammed and his holy progeny.

We condemn the decision of the American administration to move the US Embassy to the occupied city of Jerusalem, as it is an affront to the Palestinian people and disregard for the feelings of Muslims.

We want to point out that this stance is a natural consequence of the distancing of the Muslims from the teachings of their true religion, their neglect of their shared matters and interests, their fighting amongst themselves, and the spread of the epidemic of extremism and terrorism which has targeted them, and destroyed their societies and their towns, and has distorted the name of their religion. God Almighty has said: “And obey God, and obey the Messenger, and do not into disputes, lest you lose heart and your power departs.”

Today, all are invited – especially those fostering and supporting terrorism – to seriously revise their previous stances, and to open a new page, to unify the positions of the Islamic nations and to build firm foundations in establishing good relations with other nations, which reflects the pliability of their religion and its genuine values.

We seek support and help from only Him, and He is the guardian of the believers

Day Questions

Can a mature man wear short pants (up to his knees or a little above), in public?

It is permissible as it is not part of the private area that men must cover when they are in public, unless this causes humiliation or disgrace, in which it is impermissible.

If one wakes up in a state of Janabah between Fajr and sunrise, but does not think he will have enough time to perform ghusl and pray due to there only being a relatively short time until sunrise, what is he expected to do?

If he expects, although he may not be sure, to have sufficient time to offer the prayer completely in addition to performing the ghusl before it before sunrise, then he should do the ghusl and perform the prayer.If he anticipates that he has sufficient time to offer part of the prayer only before dawn after performing ghusl, then as an obligatory precaution he should perform the ghusl and offer the prayer even if some of it is after sunrise.If he realizes that he will not be able to offer any part of the prayer before sunrise, then it is better to perform the Tayammum and the prayer before sunrise, and then perform the Ghusl and repeat the prayer after sunrise.

How can we know that one Mujtahid is most knowledgeable?

The scholars have mentioned in their treatises of practical Islamic laws the ways to determine the most knowledgeable, and one of those ways to is to refer to the people of expert (known as the ahl-ul-khibrah) who can differentiate between mujtahids and determine the most knowledgeable.