The Press Release on the Attack in Nigeria

The Press Release on the Attack in Nigeria

We strongly condemn the savage attack that resulted in the horrible massacre against the Muslim followers of the Ahlulbait (peace be upon them) in Nigeria.

The circumstances and the intensity of the tragedy suggest the suspicious meditated intention of parties who do not care about the stability of the country or about the harmony between the sects of the nation.

We hold the Government of Nigeria fully responsible in investigating the circumstances of the tragedy, bringing the criminals to justice, freeing the innocents, and preventing this from taking place again.

We call the concerned international communities to uphold their responsibility in condemning this crime and pressuring those who caused it.

We ask Almighty Allah to grant the wounded fast recovery, to have His mercy on the souls of the victims and to give patience to their relatives. He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

Day Questions

According to me, a person must repent in a state of purity or in the position of prostration or standing facing Qiblah, if he has committed a lot of major sins i.e. not praying the obligatory prayers and fasts. So if a person does this, will the past major sins be forgiven?

Repentance is regret and determination to avoid committing sins in the future. Being in the state of purity, prayers or fasting is not part of it. Yes, it is recommended to repeatedly seek forgiveness whenever sins are remembered. A devotee is expected to have high hope in Almighty Allah’s acceptance of the repentance and the forgiveness of sins. Almighty Allah said: “O my slaves who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Who forgives all sins. Lo! He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.” (39:53).

Can I follow a prayer imam if I do not know whether he is Adil?

The prayer behind a person whose Adalah is not established is void.