The Press Release on the Events in Azerbaijan

The Press Release on the Events in Azerbaijan

The Press Release on the Events in Azerbaijan

Day Questions

I want to know if smoking Shisha is prohibited?

Smoking tobacco whether it was in Shisha or cigarette is permissible.

Can my brother and I pray in congregation together, just the two of us? What qualities must one of us have to lead the other?

Yes, it is permissible to do so. One of the descriptions of the imam of the congregational prayer is adalah, which means observance of the religious rulings and not breaking them. If a person committed a sin by which he is no longer considered adil, but he repented after that and decided to refrain from committing the sin again, then he can be considered adil again. Also, the imam's recitation of the two chapters of the Quran in the first two rak'as should be correct and according to Arabic grammar.

There is a company which has a prayer room for employees. But that company generates haram income and rent is paid from that income. Is it permitted to offer our prayers in that room?

The prayer is correct in the room as long as the room itself is not usurped, even if the rent is paid using a prohibited source.

What is your view on Masjid Jamkaran? Is the narration about this mosque authentic?

There are no narrations from the Infallibles (peace be upon them) about this mosque. In the book of Mafatih al-Jinan, it is mentioned that a man saw in his dreams that Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) ordered him to build a mosque in this particular place and to offer four rak’at prayer. Since one cannot rely on dreams to prove religious rulings, one should not recite the prayers in the said mosque specifically because of any specific religious recommendation. However, one can worship and pray there for the sake of Almighty Allah as in any other mosque.