The Press Release on the Terrorist Attacks during the month of Ramadan

The Press Release on the Terrorist Attacks during the month of Ramadan

Press Release on the Terrorist Attacks during the month of Ramadan

"Those who do wrong will come to know by what a (great) reverse they will be overturned!" (Holy Quran 26:227)

The terrorist attacks against the innocent followers of the Ahlul-Bait (peace be upon them) in Iraq have increased recently in various bombings of civilian gatherings in Baghdad and number of governates in Iraq during the Holy month of Ramadan. These terrorist acts have resulted in the martyrdom and wounding of hundreds of civilians, while the international, Islamic and Arabic organizations remain quiet. This confirms that these attacks are part of regional plot that will have dangerous consequences on the security of the regional and of the world.

As we ask Almighty Allah to send His mercy on the souls of the martyrs and to grant the wounded fast recovery. We strongly condemn these savage attacks and emphasize on the following:
Firstly: It is necessary for the Iraqi government and the Judiciary to fulfill their responsibility in bringing the perpetrators to justice and in protecting civilian citizens, especially the followers of the Ahlul-Bait (peace be upon them) as they are the primary target of terrorism.
Secondly: We call the international community, especially the international organizations, to classify such crimes as crimes against humanity, since they are genocides that resulted from hate culture and shedding human blood on religious bases which are violations of the international laws and ethics.

"There is no power save from Allah, the All-High, the All-Great".

The Office of the Religious Authority, Sayyid Mohammed Saeed Al-Hakeem.

Day Questions

Is it obligatory to pray Eid Prayer?

Eid prayer is not obligatory in our time but recommended.

Is it permissible to donate your organs after you die to rescue a human life?

No individual has the authority over his/her body after death. So they do not have the right to donate – in the will – the organs to anyone after their death. Yes, it is permissible to use the organs of a deceased person if the survival of a Muslim life depends on such usage.

I want to know if I have been divorced. The first time, my husband had a big argument with me and on a text message he wrote “divorced”, after which he expressed that he did not mean it. Also, I was in my menstrual periods at the time. The second time, the texted be the same, and I was in my postpartum bleeding. The third time, he said it in person out of severe anger where he just lost control. I also in my menstrual period at the time. Am I divorced?

I want to know if I have been divorced. The first time, my husband had a big argument with me and on a text message he wrote “divorced”, after which he expressed that he did not mean it. Also, I was in my menstrual periods at the time. The second time, the texted be the same, and I was in my postpartum bleeding. The third time, he said it in person out of severe anger where he just lost control. I also in my menstrual period at the time. Am I divorced? A: There are certain conditions for the validity of the divorce. If any of them is not met, the divorce does not take place. One of them is verbally stating the word of divorce. A written form or texted form will not suffice. Another condition is the presence of two ‘adil’ witnesses during the verbal pronunciation of the divorce. A further condition is that the women is not in her menstrual period. There are further conditions as well. So based on what you mentioned in your question, you are not divorced.