Eating Before Sleeping
Question :

A person was eating dark chocolate before sleeping. Upon waking up for Fajr in the month of Ramadan, and before brushing his teeth, he spat a few times and noticed bits of brown and black and generally brown spit. He is not certain if the spit was mixed with leftover residue, or if they were bits of leftover chocolate. Taking into account the fact that before spitting he had swallowed a few times, what is the status of his fast?

Answer :

The fast is correct, and one does not need to pay attention to such doubts in the said case.

Eating Prior to Fajr
Question :

If I eat prior to Fajr, such that by the time Fajr starts there is food in my mouth, am I allowed to swallow it or do I spit it out? Also, what about the food that is caught in my throat that I am unable to spit out without possibly causing myself to vomit, what do I do?

Answer :

It is obligatory to remove the food in the mouth. It is not obligatory to remove it if it passes the mouth to the throat.

Swallowing Food
Question :

Sometimes we burp and a little bit of food comes to the top of the throat. If one swallows it, does it invalidate the fast?

Answer :

If it has reached the mouth, the fast is void if it is swallowed.

Licking Lips while Fasting
Question :

What is the rule about licking one’s own lips while fasting, if one licks his lips for the second time while lips are still wet from the first time and moisture mixed with saliva? Will it break the fast if swallowed?

Answer :

The said action usually does not break the fast, since there is no considerable substance present on the lip in such a way that swallowing it breaks the fast.

Swallowing Mucus During the Fast
Question :

Is it possible to swallow mucus or phlegm during the fast?

Answer :

Swallowing the mucus does not invalidates the fast.

Swallowing the Saliva
Question :

If one is fasting and swallowed his saliva, does this invalidate the fast?

Answer :

No, it does not.

Water in the Mouth
Question :

While fasting, if one doubt whether water has entered his mouth when performing wudhu, is it necessary for him to spit out a number of times?

Answer :

It is not obligatory to do so.

Using Miswak while Fasting
Question :

When fasting, is it permissible to use a miswak, a toothbrush, or a toothpick, or to put a pen in the mouth?

Answer :

It is permissible to use the miswak or the like when fasting, but one should avoid swallowing the liquids from outside the mouth. For example, when one uses the miswak and it becomes wet from saliva, if it is taken out of the mouth and placed back in the mouth again, the wetness on the miswak will be deemed to be from outside the mouth, and swallowing such liquid will invalidate the fast.