Day Questions

If a lay person decided on who is the most knowledgeable mujtahid based on his own research and without needing to ask the religious scholars who can determine the most knowledgeable, would this be sufficient?

A lay individual is not qualified to determine the most knowledgeable in the right way without referring to whoever can determine him amongst the experts, since they– and not any inexperienced person – are the ones who know the level of knowledge of the people that reached the level of ijtihad.

Ziyarat-e-Ashura is recommended to be recited for 40 days continuously. My question is: can a woman recite the Ziyara during her menstruation? At the end of the Ziyara, there is one prostration. If a woman does choose to recite the Ziyara during her menstruation, what does she have to do when she has to prostrate?

The mentioned Ziyara is recommended every day. Yes, it is understood by believers that reciting it continuously for forty days is the cause for the acceptance of their supplications to God. The woman in her menstrual period can recite the Ziyara and prostrate, but cannot offer the two-rak’as prayer.