Day Questions

I had done Istikhara for a particular matter and I acted according to it then. However, after some time had passed the same issue arose again. If I act differently, will I be going against the Istikhara?

The original Istikhara was done according to the current circumstances then. The passage of time leads to different circumstances, so acting differently this time will not be considered going against the original Istikhara.

What is your ruling about using perfume which contains alcohol?

It is permissible to use it, but it is najis if the alcohol in it is the type that can causes intoxication. When a person or his clothes comes in contact with a najis alcohol through application of perfume or otherwise, he must purify himself or his clothing before performing prayers and Tawaaf.

At what point can I consider one adil, so to accept him as a witness or in leading the congregational prayers? Is there a certain amount of time I must spend with him, or is it sufficient to spend a short amount of time but to feel generally sure of his adalah?

There is no specific time for this, but it depends on socializing for a usual period that is sufficient for the manifestation of goodness from him and the absence of ill deeds.