Christians beliefs
Question :

Are Trinitarian Christians polytheists?

Answer :

The followers of this belief are considered tahir, and all rulings that apply to Christians apply to them.

Question :

Are the Zoroastrians considered from the People of the book? Would we be allowed to buy food from them or consider them tahir?

Answer :

Zoroastrians are considered tahir, unless they were in contact with najasah with dampness.

Najis things
Question :

I live where Muslims live in negligible ratio. There is no Muslim milkman. So is it allowed for us to take milk from a non-Muslim?

Answer :

It is permissible to buy milk from non-Muslims, as they are tahir.

Food Prepared by a Hindu or a Buddhist
Question :

Is it allowed to eat food prepared by a non-Muslim who is not from Ahl al-Kitab [for example, a Hindu or a Buddhist]?

Answer :

It is not permissible to consume meat presented by them, unless it was slaughtered according to the Islamic laws, which can be known if the meat is purchased from a Muslim market. It is also permissible to consume food prepared by them if it does not contain any meat product.

Food Prepared By Non-Muslims
Question :

Can we eat food prepared by a non-Muslim? Are the foods only prohibited if they touch it with wet hands? and can we eat the food if they wear gloves?

Answer :

Non-Muslims are tahir and they do not make what they come in contact najis. Food presented by them is considered tahir if the food was not najis, and can be consumed if it is otherwise permissible to consume.

Food Made by Hindu
Question :

Can we eat food made by a Hindu if he does not use any prohibited things in it, although he uses his hands to make it?

Answer :

Yes, you can.

Question :

How should I explain to a Hindu friend that their food is najis?
My Hindu friend has studied parts of Islam and he knows that the pig, dog, urine, blood, alcohol and a few other disgusting things are najis. He finds it offensive that I consider him and even his four-year-old child najis.
Please provide ideas on how I can explain this to him.

Answer :

Not all their food is najis. If their food is not meat, such as nuts or fruit, then they are not najis. You do not have to inform him of such a law. It is better to deal with him nicely and avoid dealing with such an issue.

Question :

Is a non-believer in the imamah of the twelve Imams najis or not?

Answer :

No, he is not. All the believers in Almighty Allah and the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (peace be upon him and his holy progeny) are Muslims and tahir.

The Child of a Buddhist
Question :

If the father of the child is Buddhist, and his mother is a Muslim, will the mother’s religion allow the child to be considered Muslim and tahir?

Answer :

The marriage is void in the said case since it is prohibited for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim man. If she knew that her marriage was invalid, then the child is not considered tahir. If she was unaware of the invalidity of her marriage, then the child is considered tahir.

Non Kitabis
Question :

Did His Eminence consider Non-Kitabis to be najis?

Answer :

He considered them to be tahir.