His Eminence Al-Sayyid Al-Hakeem meets a group of orphaned children of the martyrs of the Popular Mobilization Forces

His Eminence Al-Sayyid Al-Hakeem meets a group of orphaned children of the martyrs of the Popular Mobilization Forces

His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammed Saeed Al-Hakeem, on 16 February 2020, received a group of youth from Baghdad, children of martyrs who died fighting in the Popular Mobilization Forces (Al-Hashd Al-Sha’bi) against Daesh.

His Eminence praised the clear and manifest courage of their fathers and their sacrifice for their religion, their homeland and the holy shrines. By the grace of Allah and through their sacrifice and spilling of their noble blood, they were victorious over the enemies.

His Eminence called them to follow the Holy Prophet and the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them all), and that their ethics and morals should by distinctly higher than others, and that they should adhere to the teachings of the Sharia.

His Eminence concluded by praying to the Most High and Mighty to provide support for them and to support those who serve and help the orphans, that their Ziyarah is accepted, and that they see the blessings of it in this life and the Hereafter. He finally requested that his greetings and best wishes be conveyed to their families.

Day Questions

Is it necessary to perform wudhu after ghusl if you already included your wudhu in your ghusl by intention?

The wudhu and the ghusl are two separate actions, and they cannot be combined. However, obligatory ghusls and established recommended ghusls compensate for the requirement of wudhu, without the need for an additional intention.

It is common amongst Shi'as to seek intercession from the Holy Prophet and the Ahlulbait (Peace upon them all) and to do Tawassul through them. I understand that if I visit the grave of any of the Infallibles (peace be upon them) and seek their intercession, they can hear me. But what I find hard to grasp is how they can hear me when I am at home, for example. I hear a lot of my brothers and sisters say that the Imams (peace be upon them) hear everyone from everywhere. Is this not an attribute of Almighty Allah only? Is there any hadith that tells us that they can hear their followers from anywhere?

The religious sources clearly indicate the legitimacy of seeking intercession from the Prophet and the Imams of the Ahlulbait (peace be upon them). It is one of the means by which one's wishes and supplications can be fulfilled. There is no difference between visiting their shrines or seeking their intercession while being far from them, since the geographical distance is only an obstacle in communication in this material world, whereas it is not an obstacle in the metaphysical world. It has been reported by Imam al-Baqir (peace be upon him) that an angel asked Almighty Allah to grant him the ability to hear people, and Almighty Allah did. This angel now stands till the day of judgment and whenever a believer says, “Peace and blessings be upon Mohammed and his progeny,” this angel conveys this to the Prophet and the Prophet replies by saying, “Peace be upon him.”

I have just recently known about Ayatollah al-Hakeem (may Allah have mercy upon him) and I have found his rulings to be most agreeable and wise but knowing that he is deceased (may Allah have mercy upon him), is it permissible to still follow him?

It is permissible to follow him only if the edict of the current most knowledgeable marja' allows the following of the deceased marja'. Otherwise, it is not permissible to follow him, but it is obligatory to follow the most knowledgeable living marja'.

What is the ruling if I forget Tashahhud in the second rak’a and realize after getting up?

If he forgets the first Tashahhud and remembers it before the bowing (ruku') of the next rak’ah, he should return to sit immediately and perform the Tashahhud; he should also perform the prostrations of forgetfulness, after the prayer. If he remembers that he missed it after the Ruku, he should continue the prayers and he should make the Tashahhud up within the prostrations of forgetfulness.