His Eminence Al-Sayyid Al-Hakeem meets a group of orphaned children of the martyrs of the Popular Mobilization Forces

His Eminence Al-Sayyid Al-Hakeem meets a group of orphaned children of the martyrs of the Popular Mobilization Forces

His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammed Saeed Al-Hakeem, on 16 February 2020, received a group of youth from Baghdad, children of martyrs who died fighting in the Popular Mobilization Forces (Al-Hashd Al-Sha’bi) against Daesh.

His Eminence praised the clear and manifest courage of their fathers and their sacrifice for their religion, their homeland and the holy shrines. By the grace of Allah and through their sacrifice and spilling of their noble blood, they were victorious over the enemies.

His Eminence called them to follow the Holy Prophet and the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them all), and that their ethics and morals should by distinctly higher than others, and that they should adhere to the teachings of the Sharia.

His Eminence concluded by praying to the Most High and Mighty to provide support for them and to support those who serve and help the orphans, that their Ziyarah is accepted, and that they see the blessings of it in this life and the Hereafter. He finally requested that his greetings and best wishes be conveyed to their families.

Day Questions

I have one kidney, so the doctors have told me fasting during the whole month comes at great risk. However, I wish to still fast as much of the month as possible. How should I fast partially for it to be accepted, and what is the compensation for the days I cannot fast?

You are not permitted to fast in the said case, nor is it valid if you did. Almighty Allah is All-Merciful, and since you like to fast, He shall reward you with the rewards of those who fast. An amount of 900 grams of dates, wheat, flour, rice, lentils or the like for every missed fast must be given to the needy people as Fidya.

Can one depend on his parents in determining the most knowledgeable mujtahid?

It is permissible for the individual to depend on his parents in finding out the most knowledgeable if he trusted their choice to be in accordance with the religious guidelines – e.g. referring to the ahl-ul-khibrah. If he does not, then he should do his own research based on those guidelines.

Is Khums applied on the things that we spend for daily needs like food and clothing? Is it also applied on profits of trading?

Khums is not obligatory on a person’s expenses, like food or clothes, if they were reasonable for him. It is obligatory to pay khums on trade and business revenue if it remains unspent at the khums year-end.