His Eminence Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem advises the preachers from Pakistan to reach the remote areas to spread the message of Islam and the Ahlulbait

His Eminence Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem advises the preachers from Pakistan to reach the remote areas to spread the message of Islam and the Ahlulbait

His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed al-Hakeem spoke to male and female preachers from Pakistan of the necessity of reaching the remote areas of Pakistan in order to teach the people there the Islamic laws, and to invite them to the True Path, and to propagate to them the message of the Ahlulbait (peace be upon them).

This advice was also directed especially towards the female preachers. After exerting their efforts in learning and studying, they must undertake their duties as preachers, by explaining the Islamic laws pertaining to women, so that the women can benefit from them in those areas. His Eminence continued to advise preachers towards having good behavior and etiquettes, humility, and keeping close to other believers, so that every one of them can fulfil their duties towards God in a manner that pleases Him, the Prophet and the Infallibles (peace be upon them all).

At the end, His Eminence supplicated to God that He accept the guests’ ziyarah and good deeds, and He answers their calls, and He supports them in their endeavors and duties, while interacting with others with love, compassion, honesty and humility. He prayed that He gives them the fruit of their good acts in this life and in the Hereafter. He is, indeed, All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

Day Questions

Does your office help in with Tabligh activities?

The office has several religious propagation activities in a number of Muslim countries like Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran , Europe and other countries as per the available possibilities and capabilities. We ask the Almighty to guide us and all the active workers in the religious fields and to accept from us all these little contributions and forgive us for our shortcomings; He is indeed the Most Merciful.

If my hand comes in contact with semen, and I touch a mobile phone, but I am not sure if I touched it with the najis hand or the tahir hand, then what should I do with this phone? I cannot wash it because it will be ruined. What do you suggest?

As long as you are not sure that your hand was najis when you touched the mobile phone, you can consider it as tahir. Furthermore, najasah is transferred from one thing to another if the dampness in one of them is transferred to the other. If the mobile phone does become najis, then it cannot be purified again except with water. It is not prohibited to use it while it is najis.

Does chewing gum while fasting invalidate the fast?

Chewing gum does not invalidate the fast as long as parts of it, including soluble parts such as sugar, do not pass the throat.

If a marriage has been consummated, is the wife entitled to the full dower?

When the marriage contract takes place, the wife has right to all the dower. If the dower or a part of it was deferred for a particular period, then she is entitled to it after the deferment period has ended. If the husband divorces his wife before the consummation of the marriage, she is entitled to only half of the dower, and the remaining half of the dower is dropped.