His Eminence, Al-Sayyid Al-Hakeem, receives the Romanian Ambassador in Iraq

His Eminence, Al-Sayyid Al-Hakeem, receives the Romanian Ambassador in Iraq

His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Al-Sayyid Mohammed Saeed Al-Hakeem received the Ambassador of Romania in Baghdad, Mr. Iacob Prada, with his aides.

His Eminence advised on the importance of communication between communities, distant from political and personal motives, in order to embed great human values with societies, and to enable cooperation.

His Eminence also spoke of the role of Marji'iyyah and its complete independence, and its relationship with different levels of society.

The respected guest, Mr. Prada, expressed his gratitude in being able to visit Najaf and meet his Eminence, and he praised the fatherly role of Marji'iyyah for the Iraqi people and beyond.

Day Questions

Is it appropriate to engage in sports activities like cricket, football, tennis etc. on the eve or day of Ashura?

Engaging in such activities on the night or day of Ashura is not in accordance to what has been narrated from the Imams (peace be upon them) in the exhortation to express grief and sadness over the tragedy suffered by Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), his household and companions on the day of Ashura.

Some brothers do Tatbeer in the religious center on Ashura day, and because of the shedding of blood, the place becomes Najis. Is this allowed?

It is prohibited to make the mosque Najis. It is not prohibited to make other places Najis, especially when they are going to be purified afterwards.