His Eminence, Al-Sayyid Al-Hakeem, receives the Romanian Ambassador in Iraq

His Eminence, Al-Sayyid Al-Hakeem, receives the Romanian Ambassador in Iraq

His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Al-Sayyid Mohammed Saeed Al-Hakeem received the Ambassador of Romania in Baghdad, Mr. Iacob Prada, with his aides.

His Eminence advised on the importance of communication between communities, distant from political and personal motives, in order to embed great human values with societies, and to enable cooperation.

His Eminence also spoke of the role of Marji'iyyah and its complete independence, and its relationship with different levels of society.

The respected guest, Mr. Prada, expressed his gratitude in being able to visit Najaf and meet his Eminence, and he praised the fatherly role of Marji'iyyah for the Iraqi people and beyond.

Day Questions

If a butcher is a non-practicing Muslim, i.e. he does not offer prayers and other obligations and refrain from prohibited things, and I know that he does not observe the conditions of slaughtering, such as placing the animals to face Qibla and reciting the Name of Allah, is his meat permissible?

If the butcher knows that the animal must face the Qibla when slaughtered and he does not observe such a condition deliberately, then the meat of the animal is not lawful to consume. If he forgot to do so or he did not know that this is a condition, then the meat is permissible to consume. If the butcher forgets to recite the Name of Allah when slaughtering the animal, then it is lawful to consume the meat. If he did not do so deliberately or out of ignorance, then the meat is unlawful to consume.

Is yoga exercise permissible for health purpose?

It is permissible if it is not considered as an encouragement to other religions.