Day Questions

I've heard that if one's wudhu breaks during the third rak'at of Asr for instance, then one can continue his prayer, is this true?

If you are sure that you have passed wind during any part of the prayer, the prayer is invalidated as is the wudhu.

Is buying, selling and spending Bitcoins permissible?

The mentioned transactions are permissible, but the spread of such transactions might subject the monies of believers to danger, so one should act in precaution.

Is the narrator, Mufaddal ibn Umar, companion of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) reliable?

The scholars of the study of the narrators (Ilm al-Rijal) have different opinions regarding Mufaddal bin Umar. His Eminence is inclined to believe that he is reliable and his narrations are accepted.