His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem, receives the Lebanese Ambassador to Iraq

His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem, receives the Lebanese Ambassador to Iraq

His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammed Saeed al-Hakeem received Mr. Ali Adib al-Habhab, the Ambassador of Lebanon in Baghdad, along with his aides, on Sunday 5 May 2019.

Day Questions

I had just realized that my pillow has a blood stain. I had a shower and put my head on the pillow to rest. I then got up to do Wudhu and pray. Did my hair become Najis and is my prayer valid?

If you have a doubt about whether the wet hair touched and blood stain, and there is a possibility in your mind that the hair could have avoided contact with the blood, then the principle of taharah applies here. This principle states a thing does not become najis unless you know that it has made contact with najasah and it has transferred.

If a jurist (Marja) does not find a solution from the Quran and Sunnah, then on which basis does he present a verdict?

The scholars discuss this issue in detail in the "Principles of Jurisprudence". We can say here that when the Quran and Sunnah does not directly provide a solution, the jurists still refer to the verses of the Holy Book and the narrations of the Prophet and the Imams (peace be upon them) to get the general guidance in such situations in order to arrive at the practical duty in them. Some narrations can be used to reveal basic principles denoting the practical duty of the individual in certain cases, like "everything is permissible unless one knows that it is prohibited".

Today in non-Muslim countries, there are a lot of artificial fish cultivation places where the fish are pulled out alive (not dead). Even in the assembly line at a factory, the fish often alive where it is treated. I also worked on the ship in a non-Muslim country and saw that the sea fish are caught alive. Is this information sufficient to safely buy fish sold by non-Muslims, or is it necessary to know that the particular fish that I am buying was taken out of the water alive?

If the general trend in fishing is that the fish are removed out of the water alive and the business is based on not marketing fish found dead in the water, and the possibility of selling fish which has died in the water is because of error, one should not pay attention to such possibilities and the fish may be bought and eaten.

If I ejaculate during the day in the month of Ramadan, do I need to make up that one day and do I need to pay Kaffara?

It is prohibited to deliberately ejaculate in the day during the month of Ramadan. One must make it up and pay the kaffara. If ejaculation was by a prohibited act such as masturbation, then the kaffara is triple, i.e. one must feed sixty needy people and fast two consecutive months and free a slave. Since the latter is not possible nowadays, it is obligatory to do the first two. If ejaculation was by a permissible act, e.g. by intercourse with his wife, the kaffara will be to either feed sixty needy people or to fast two consecutive months.