Day Questions

If any product contains fat from pigs, can they be consumed, even if it is in very small quantity?

If the product contains najasah even by a little amount, like the mentioned pig fat, then it is najis and prohibited to consumed.

Is it permissible to own pieces of art, sculptures and pictures? Is it also permissible to take photos of friends, family and strangers?

It is disliked to take possession of pictures of living things produced by drawing, painting or the like. The same is the case for statues of living things. It is permissible to take photographic images with cameras.

Can I offer my prayer when wearing clothes that has blood from a wound even if the size of the blood is little?

If the blood on it is less than the size of a 'dirham' – which should be considered to be no more than 2.3cm as an obligatory precaution – then it is exempted during the prayer from the rule of najasah, and one may pray with such clothing. However, such clothes are still najis, so if his hand touches the blood on the clothes with transferable dampness, then he must purify the hand before offering the prayer.

If I deposit an amount in a bank and in return, after some time, I get an amount which is larger than my originally deposited amount, will it be considered Riba/Usury?

Yes, it is considered as Riba and thus prohibited, since the permissible loan is when the borrower returns to the lender the same amount, without any stipulated interest. This applies if the bank is owned by Muslims. If it is not, then it is permissible to receive interest from it.