The Visit of Believers from New Zealand and Australia

The Visit of Believers from New Zealand and Australia

His Eminence called the Shias of other communities to preserve their identity and to be attentive towards keeping the symbols of Islam alive, and to continue to visit the holy shrines as much as possible.

On Tuesday, 4 Rabi-ul-Akhir 1438, His Eminence the Grand Ayatullah Sayyid M. Saeed Al-Hakeem (long may he live) called the Shia communities living in non-Muslim societies to protect their identity and their faith through contact with the Islamic centers and organisations and Shia websites in order to be aware of their original religious culture. It is expected that these religious cultures should be respected in those lands through the presentation of good ethics and praiseworthy traits as taught by the Infallibles (peace be upon them). His Eminence gave this advice to a group of believers from New Zealand and Australia.

Similarly, His Eminence emphasized the need for the believers to give due importance to gatherings to remember the Ahlul-Bait (peace be upon them) and their teachings, and to actively participate in them, and to uphold such gatherings in their areas. This is alongside the importance of them visiting the holy shrines often, as much as possible, in order to preserve their faith and further entrenching it in their souls.

To conclude the meeting, His Eminence placed great value on their sacrifices and efforts to come to visit the holy sites, and prayed to the High and Powerful Lord to grant them such opportunities in the future and to show them the blessings and bounties of such actions. He further requested the visitors to pass his greetings and prayers to the believers in their countries and to pass on this advice to them.

Day Questions

Is it allowed to do gheebat (backbiting) of non-believer, i.e. someone who does not believe in imamate of 12 imams?

It is not prohibited, but it is better to avoid this, since backbiting (gheeba) in most cases is without any benefit.

Does an adulterous woman observe the iddah of divorce, keeping in mind that the reason for her divorce was committing the sin of adultery with another man?

If the marriage was consummated, then she should observe the iddah when her husband divorces her even in the mentioned scenario.

Since it is obligatory to follow the most knowledgeable mujtahid – the most capable in deriving the religious laws from the appropriate sources – I am unable to find the ahl-ul-khibrah to refer to them in order to determine him. However, I have found multiple mujtahids who have all the necessary qualification to be followed in taqleed. Can I follow any one of them?

If the mujtahids are equal in knowledge or you are not able to determine the most knowledgeable amongst them, and if observing precaution – to guarantee that the religious obligations are fulfilled – is not a possibility, one must choose the most God-fearing amongst the most knowledgeable mujtahids. If this is not possible as well, any one of them can be chosen to be followed.

Is it permissible for me to work in banks?

It is permissible to work in banks, if one is not participating in any contract that involves interest, whether by becoming part of it – by representing the bank in lending for instance – or by writing the contract.