His Eminence Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem advises students of foreign universities to do good deeds and present Islam in its true luminous nature

His Eminence Grand Ayatollah al-Hakeem advises students of foreign universities to do good deeds and present Islam in its true luminous nature

His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah al-Sayyid Mohammed Saeed al-Hakeem, advised university students from Western countries to do good and beneficial deeds, and to co-exist with others in those societies in the best of ways, truthfulness and steadfastness, showing the true light of Islamic teachings and beliefs; and they should continue to strive to serve their religion. He gave this message while hosting a group of guests consisting of students from American and British universities.

His Eminence called his guests to fulfil their responsibilities in serving their religion, their faith, their values and to remain steadfast on them, and not to allow these things to melt away in such environments. They should invest themselves into their communities while remaining strong on their faith and connected to God Almighty, and following path of the Holy Prophet and the Imams (peace be upon them all).

To conclude the meeting, His Eminence, prayed for God Almighty to support them and give them strength and success, and he requested the guests to convey his advice and his greetings to the communities in which they live in.

Day Questions

Does ghusl of janabah become obligatory when a woman dreams of herself or anyone being involved in sexual activities but doesn't notice any discharge of fluid except sexual arousal?

When the woman reaches sexual climax and she ejaculates fluid, then based on compulsory precaution ghusl and wudhū become obligatory in order to perform the prayers. If no liquid is discharged, ghusl is not obligatory.

How can I make up the days that I did not fast if I am not sure of the number?

If you doubt the number of the missed days to be between two figures, then consider the lower.

Me and my boyfriend have been dating for more than a year now and our goal is to get married in the future, but recently we found out that we cannot have children in the future and that it counts as a sin for my boyfriend if I don’t wear hijab. Is it true?

Dating that leads to sexual lust between unmarried couple is not permissible. Such intimate relationships outside of marriage are forbidden. It is also not permissible for the woman to be without the obligatory Hijab in the presence of a non-Mahram man without marriage.

If there is picture present in room, does it affect the prayers?

It is disliked to offer the prayer while there is a picture of a living thing in front of the individual.