Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammed Saeed al-Hakeem received a delegation representing the Christian Church and the media in Germany.

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammed Saeed al-Hakeem received a delegation representing the Christian Church and the media in Germany.

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammed Saeed al-Hakeem received a delegation representing the Christian Church and the media in Germany. His Eminence called for the communication of the truths as they are, and that the Marji’iyyah has no interests except to serve humanity and to safeguard their souls.

His Eminence received this delegation on Tuesday 27 February 2018 and spoke with them, in which they presented to him their work in Iraq and other regions, and their endeavours to report the realities as they are to the world, and what they have experienced due to that.

His Eminence, during this meeting, expressed to his guests the fatherly role of the Marji’iyyah in society in realising peace, and the great emphasis it has in preserving the lives of the men, women and children, as well as their property, whatever creed and race they have; the Marji’iyyah has no interests except to serve people and to protect them from dangers.

His Eminence called the media to accuracy and the informing of the truth, without seeing which party it will suit and which party it will not suit.

His Eminence emphasised his respect towards all those who strive towards knowing the truth and knowing the great lies, accusations and deceptions that have targeted the Shi’ahs.

Day Questions

If a person was not present during the sermon of the Friday prayer, can his prayer be valid?

If he was not present during the sermon, his Friday prayer is valid.

My wife suffers from epilepsy and has other illnesses, and was dependent on medication for treating them, as a result she had not suffered any epileptic fits. She is now pregnant, and the doctor advised that if she takes this medication it will harm the fetus. So she stopped taking the medication, and started to suffer from fits. In such a situation, where taking medication is harmful for the baby, and not taking the medication causes the mother to have fits, is it possible to abort the baby?

It is not permissible to abort the embryo, unless not aborting it would cause a danger to the life of the mother. Furthermore, it is not permissible for the mother to take the medication which harms the embryo, unless the mothers fits causes the danger of death for her. If it is possible to tolerate the fits or to prevent it by other ways, then it is not permissible to use the medicine that cause harm to the embryo.

Is it obligatory to seek the permission of the girl's mother or brother for marriage if her father has died?

If her father and paternal grandfather have died, then there is no need to seek the permission of any of her relatives.